The Hope College Orchestra anchors itself in J.S. Bach’s beliefs concerning the purpose of musical arts in the created order: “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.” Hence, the commitment to artistic excellence as an act of worship is central to the Orchestra courses’ musicianship training.

Official links:

Support us!

Thank you for considering supporting us!

We are raising funds for our New York Concert Tour 2025 to Carnegie Hall to make the experience possible for all our Orchestra students.

If you would like to support us, please

  1. Click on the link below

  2. Choose "Music Department" under "Designations"

  3. Type "NY Concert Tour" when you are invited to write "Additional Comments or Questions."

All amounts, whether big or small, are deeply appreciated!

News Updates

  • New York Concert Tour 2025 - Carnegie Hall

    The Hope College Orchestra has been invited to perform in Carnegie Hall as a showcase orchestra for the 2025 NY International Music Festival!

    The performance is on April 8, 2025.

    Please visit the official Hope College Music Department website for more information, or contact Prof. Pang ( if you have any questions.

  • Audition Information (Fall 2024)

    The Hope College Orchestra performs nationally and internationally as Hope’s premier audition-based instrumental ensemble. The ensemble also celebrates its members’ diverse talents by fostering interdisciplinary conversations in its course structure and concert programming. Orchestra students elect nine representatives to form the orchestra board, and together with the orchestra director, they become the curriculum planning committee responsible for shaping an orchestra course that benefits students not only in their artistic growth but also in their various degree programs and vocations.

    The audition registration is open to all students on campus, regardless of major.

Concert Archives